Saturday, December 22, 2007


A group member presenting group opinion

1 comment:

KACA said...

Very nice photos! It would be great if you could write a little more about what you are doing in the pictures. I'm curious you know. *s*

Merry christmas and a happy new year to you all at KACA.


PS. Salome, I will upload the missing pictures to this homepage as soon as I return to Uppsala and work in januari. I'm right now visiting my parents in Gothenburg. So right now I can´t do anything about it. Really strange that the burning of the cd failed.

PSS. Dear friends of Tanzania. Do you use the homepage If you want to, have a look at it. It's a very nice way to comunicate with eachother despite the distance. I'm using it every day, as the swedish exenge students and a lot of other people at Studiefrämjandet. Try and search for Håkan Wester and add me as your friend. See you there!