Remember this is my proposals. If you don´t like it, please tell me! No hard feelings! And if you have ideas of what should be on the homepage, don´t hesitate to write to me.
1) It would be nice to put a kaca loggo on the site, red-ribbon and SFR loggo.
2) A counter with how much money we collected so far and what we plan to do with them.
3) A counter with how many orpahans Kaca help.
4) Different subdirectories:
What we do! - Our program, orphans, plans, associates
Do you want to help? - Donate money/stuff, monthly help a child, work as volonteer
Webshop - Sell Ramas music, kaca t-shirts, perhaps something else?
HIV/Aids - information about the situation in Tanzania, how to protect yourselfs, links to good webresources...
5) Do you want to put some adds on the site? If so perhaps Google Adsense will be a good solution.
That´s it for now...
C y! Merry x-mas!
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