Kilimanjaro Aids Control association received football gears includind 15 footbal and 7 pairs of shirts (Jazz) which will be distributed to 7 teams in Kilimanjaro region,Among the Teams which will benefit will be as follows
1.Machava FC Junior
2.Machava FC senior
3Pasua FC
4.Matindigani FC
5. Kaloleni FC
6.Majengo FC
7.Soweto FC
Before the ceremony all the teams carried out Studycircle and discuss about two themes, One being small scale interprenureship which will lead to eradication of poverty and they discuss about HIV/Aids problems among youth.
The studycircles were carried out by Kaca staffs. below find the pictures on studycircles and handing over of football gears to all teams named above.
Special Thanx to Savjaskolan and especially Mr Ulfe and Ewa for fascilitating the collection of the football gears and make it possible for Kaca to distibute the Gears.